«Tamchy show»


«Tamchy show»

«Tamchy show»

«Tamchy show» is a team quiz-type game show, where the teams play against each other.

Participants are given different questions. Among them are general knowledge questions, logical questions, tasks for memory and ability of mind. 4 blocks of tasks, 2 teams are included in each show. But the winner is one and only!

You are welcome to take part in our show!

  • Videos
  • Videos
  • Showrunners
  • KFU
  • Kazan: 175 school - 37 gymnasium
  • Kazan: 84 school - 62 school
  • Kazan: 37 gymnasium - 170 school
  • Rybnaya Sloboda - Biektau
  • Kazan: 171 school - 8 gymnasium
  • Kazan: 14 gymnasium - 20 gymnasium
  • Kazan: 156 school - 112 school
  • Kukmor - Apastovo
  • Kazan: 82 school - 82 school
  • Pestreci - Kukmor
  • Kazan: 26 lyceum - 4 gymnasium
  • Tulachi - Buinsk
  • Kukmor - Buinsk
  • Kukmor - Aznakaevo
  • Kazan: 34 school - 121 school
  • Menzelinsk - Tukay
  • Innopolis - Lobachevsky Lyceum
  • Alekseevsk - Kukmor
  • Kirov region - Vysokaya gora
  • Kukmor - Alkeevo
  • Mamadysh - Baltasi
  • Arsk - Bavly
  • Арча педкөллияте – Алабуга мәдәният-сәнгать көллияте / Яңа ел алды
  • 84 school - 14 gymnasium
  • Drozhanoe - Saby
  • Innopolis - 180 gymnasium
  • Арча педкөллияте - Арча педкөллияте / 1 нче сентябрь - Белем көне
  • Saby - Kaybych
  • 26 lyceum - 26 lyceum
  • YashTNV - YashTNV
  • Kaybych - Telache
  • YashTNV - YashTNV